Mitegi Lakshmanrekha, AND TV Drama Serial Watch Online

Mitegi Lakshmanrekha
Comedy, Family Drama,
Release date:
10 May 2018
21.43 minutes
70 as of 31st August 2018
& TV
Shashi Sumeet Mittal
Vishesh, Kancha, Mahant, Ravi Gossain, Jayshree T

About Drama Serial Mitegi Lakshmanrekha

Comedy, Family Drama, AND TV

Mitegi Lakshmanrekha is an Indian Drama Serial that was first premiered on AND TV channel on 10 May 2018. Its Latest Episode was broadcast on 31 Aug 2018 at AND TV channel and was of 21.43 minutes duration.Drama Serial is production of & TV and is directed by Shashi Sumeet Mittal . You can watch All Episodes of Mitegi Lakshmanrekha AND TV Today Episode here in best quality. As per the promo released, the show will be based on a story where a man is getting teased by few girls and then his mother came to rescue and said to live in home and don’t rome late in night. Basically, the serial will show the increasing crime against women and how girls feel unsafe in the country. It will surely be an educated TV series to teach our youth about how to treat women, girls and kids

As per the promo released, the show will be based on a story where a man is getting teased by few girls and then his mother came to rescue and said to live in home and don’t rome late in night. Basically, the serial will show the increasing crime against women and how girls feel unsafe in the country. It will surely be an educated TV series to teach our youth about how to treat women, girls and kids